PDF to Flash Converter Themes for Concise Style
Concise style themes show a wonderful background of
desktop. As we know that the flash flipping book made
by PDF to Flash Converter has 3D virtual page turning
effect. But if we get a theme with strong three-
dimension sense, the 3D effect of the flash flipping
book can be expressed well. The first theme of concise
style is to show you the aerial view of a desktop. The
flash flipping book is right on the center, it feels
like it is one part of the desktop. The second theme
is showing several pictures on the desktop. It is
really with strong third-dimension sense. Users can
choose put the flipping book in the center or not. The
third theme is going to show several wonderful
pictures on the desktop. It seems that the flipping
book is real and you just read a book on the desktop.
When you turn the page of flipping book, it may
generate false perceptions that you are reading on
your desk but not an electronic book on the computer.
That is the charm of concise style themes. It is not
only with three-dimension sense but also it is concise
and simple.