SharePoint Permission Boost
Assign read-only/edit permissions for individual
columns within a SharePoint list view, or hide the
columns entirely;
Assign view-level permissions by specifying whether
the view is hidden, read-only, or fully accessible for
users and groups;
Assign form-level permissions for the "create new
item", "edit item" and "view item" forms (hide
specific fields completely, or restrict them to read-
only access);
Assign item-level permissions to users and user-groups
as items are created or modified, or retroactively
apply permissions for previously existing items within
a SharePoint list;
Remove all custom permission settings and restore
defaults for specified users or user-groups in bulk;
Determine the users and user groups that will be
assigned custom permission settings according to
conditions specified by the SharePoint administrator.
SharePoint Permissions Boost is the all-in-one
SharePoint permissions management solution. This pack
contains all three SharePointBoost permission tools:
Column/View Permission, Permission Workflow, and Item
Permission Batch.
SharePoint Column/View Permission allows
administrators to manage access to all list content by
setting field-level and view-level permission
settings. With it, you can assign read-only/edit
permissions for individual columns within a SharePoint
list view, or hide the columns entirely to ensure that
confidential information is restricted only to
authorized users. You can designate which users and
groups have access rights to column contents, a
particular list view, or even the ability to enter or
change data in a particular list field, thereby
enabling you to securely store both public and private
corporate data within the same list.
SharePoint Permission Workflow assigns item-level
permissions to users and user-groups as items are
created or modified, and can retroactively apply
permissions for previously existing items within a
SharePoint list.