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  Developer Tools - Delphi Tools and Components

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  Application Locker  -  Version  1.01

It can be used to run trial periods of software for predefined periods and then expire or continue running with various parts of the application it is protecting, disabled. The way it is used is entirely up to the developer, because it has been designed to be very versatile. The component enters details regarding the current state of registration of the application it is protecting, i.e. if it is registered or not, and these details can be retrieved and viewed in the About Box. If any one tampers with the entries in the registry, the component removes all of the entries and reverts to the state of not being registered. The details held in the registry, are not encrypted, and can easily be viewed, but by tampering with them, the component takes the action metioned to protect your investment. The component also monitors the system date, if the clock is turned back, the component adjusts the trial days. Help system for Application Locker and key generator included in the download.

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