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  APK 3dFx Tuning Engine 8.0++  -  Version  8.0++

WRITTEN IN FAST, SMALL, EFFICIENT BORLAND DELPHI 3.0 CODE!!! Gamers, want more speed and performance from your 3dfx based games like Quake II, Hexen II, or GLQuake to name a few? Try this program! It gets you that speed but be sure to pay attention to the tooltips and help tab in regard to cooling when overclocking your boards to avoid damage. This program is NOT A BATCH FILE GENERATOR, but a pure Environmental Memory Structure Poller/Poker and registry altering program for NT ( and for 95/98, all that plus autoexec.bat/config.sys patcher for Windows95/98) All Writes to ini files and registry are IMMEDIATE (no lazy registry writes allowed) so that changes are SURE to take place! Get more 3dFx gaming speed with APK 3dFx Tuning Engine 6.0++! Improvements in 7.0 ++ include Faster Load time, Less RAM Consumption, Stay on Top/Dont Stay on Top of other running applications, Floating/Dockable Toolbars, ToolTTray Icon Control, Better more concise/precise helpfiles tab, HyperLink update check for users of this program leading to this site, and Cursor Enhancements as well as TWO NEW Voodoo ² game enhancements!

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