Belkasoft Evidence Center
Extract digital evidence from suspects' hard drives.
Recover hidden and destroyed evidence with Data
Carving. Extract difficult to recover artifacts with
Live RAM analysis. Supporting more than 250 types of
artifacts, Belkasoft Evidence Center Pro can extract
Web browsing data including favorites, history and
cookies, instant messenger communications, chats,
office documents, and many more types of evidence.
The Professional edition of Belkasoft Evidence Center
enables forensic investigators to extract many types
of digital evidence in a forensically sound way. The
forensic investigation tool detects all major office
documents, Web browsing histories including cookies
and bookmarks created by all popular Web browsers,
online chats instant messenger communication in more
than 70 clients, email messages and attachments in all
popular formats, social networking and gaming
communications and many other types of evidence.
In addition, Belkasoft Evidence Center Pro comes