Convert DBX into PST
Do you want to Convert DBX into PST in bulk way or want
instant conversion? So here we have the solution to
convert bulk files of DBX into PST. DBX to PST
Converter is the tool to convert and give high response
while Convert DBX into PST. The tool has the facility
to convert the data and preserve its all originality of
the data. DBX to PST Converter have the facility to
give fine graphical interface and easy useable
features. Compatible with different Window OS like
Windows 7, Vista, 2003, 2000, XP, 98 etc. after save
the data from DBX into PST, display all the status like
read and unread and also attach all its document and
pictures, file etc. with convenient manner while
Convert DBX into PST. Software keep the separate file
for all the DBX files and create separate PST file for
each DBX files and helps to easy save the data from the
files. DBX to PST Converter provide trial of the
software so that user can test its features and trial
software also provide the test of conversion first 5
files of DBX into PST and check whether the software
works properly according to user or not between Convert
DBX into PST. The software is price is only $49 which
is perfect for the user pocket. The main purpose of the
software is to give 100% satisfaction to the user and
complete their all requirement according to the user.