Prayer Journal
Helping you deepen your intimacy with God by recording
your thoughts and prayers. The main journal areas
features two pop-up word processors that allow you to
set paragraph and tab formats, format font style,
name, colour and size. Bullets and indents also
available. Add entries to prayer lists from the main
journal using the function on the right mouse menu.
Add prayer headings with the click of a button. Other
features include a built in spell checker, thesaurus
and search facility. Keep track of prayer topics with
a variety of lists. Use the Prayer Request list to
track specific prayer requests and mark them off when
they are complete. Use the Daily Prayer List to list
daily prayer topics. Use the rotating prayer list to
remember occasional prayer topics. Track your
spiritual, physical and emotional "energy" using Life
Levels. Idea Keeper tracks non-date related ideas and
thoughts. Entries are pasword protected & encrypted
using industry standard encryption. Enhanced features
include the choice between regular and new Office 10-
style toolbar styles. Backup and Restore functions
allow you to keep a copy of your data safely backed-
up. As with all Legacy of Love programs all upgrades
are a free for life.