G-Mapper is a free sitemap generator that supports the
XML Sitemap.org protocol, RSS, ROR RDF, Atom, Podcasts
and plain text sitemaps, making it compaible with all
major engines including Google, Yahoo and Microsoft
Bing. It is designed for website's of all sizes to
help improve your search engine coverage and
ranking. - Index local files and spider remote live
websites - Full support for the sitemap.org 0.9
protocol - XML, RSS, Atom, ROR RDF and text sitemap
formats - Compatible with Google, Yahoo, Microsoft
Bing and more - Support for Google image sitemap
1.1 - Create RSS feeds for PodCast and recently
updated pages - Easy manual editing of files
individually or in batch - Fully configurable with
simple sitemap configuration wizard - Unlimited
sitemaps each with their own configuration -
Unlimited number of files and folders in a sitemap -
Automatic spidering of pages and their meta data -
GZIP compression for faster upload - Upload your
sitemaps to your server using FTP - Ping Google,
Yahoo, Microsoft Bing and Ask