Windows Store Apps Obfuscator
Do you know that it is easy to hack paid apps code
from the Windows Store? There are security
vulnerabilities on windows 8 XAML-based metro style
applications. Distinctly, the problems are fundamental
design flaws that allow reveal compiled code of Win8
applications, modification of deployed apps and the
negative implications on intellectual property rights
protection. There are a lot of freeware .NET tools
called .NET assembly browsers that allow pirates to
hack Win Store app's code.For example, Refractor -
.NET decompiler and assembly browser allows pirates
to reverse-engineer paid app's code. Then it is
relatively easy to compile the source code by
using .NET framework. Sure, for this case scenario a
hacker won't need to pay for the app registration. You
have to protect your Windows Store app. You cannot be
totally sure that nobody has access to your code in
case you are going to publish the app on Windows
Store. It is always possible use IL Disassembler
(ILDAsm.exe) that is distributed by Microsoft.
Obfuscating is rather popular area for creating new