PDF is our frequently used format while saving files.
Maybe you have to use PDF in some reason, then to make
your PDF optimize for search, you can refer to the
following suggestion. The first one is to add metadata
on PDF. While creating PDF, you should edit the
properties with some popular keywords and fitting
description. The second one is to add product link on
PDF. When people read your PDF magazine, they can link
to your webpage to read the details of product. The
last one is to create a file name which friendly for
However, if you want to promote the information of new
product, PDF is not the best choice since for it is
not friendly for search engine. And it is also trouble
that people must use PDF Readers to view the content.
Here we suggest you to converting PDF into HTML, which
is the language of Google. And PDF in HTML format has
a better title, meta description f more see :
pdf-optimized-for-search-friendly-for-seo/] NetPDF