YouKSoft Free eBook Publisher
1. An e-book is not just an extra, tacked onto the
production of the printed book. As much work needs to
go into it as would a new edition of a printed book.
That is, a design specification, editorial checks, and
reflection on the target audience.
2. Leaving aside arguments about aesthetics and
tactility, an e-book can be so much more than a
printed book, without any of the print production
considerations and costs. A straightforward e-book can
be designed with color, contain extra pictures and
text, and be completely linked internally as well as
3. A excellent E-book publisher software is the key to
digitalize printed book, but a great publishing tools
also means high price at average hundreds of dollars.
However what if you don't need too much advanced
features, a freeware might fulfill you. YouKSoft Free
eBook Publisher provides a clear, Office Word like