TFlyGrid for Delphi2/3/4 and CB
Improved speed and complexibility DbGrid and SpreadSheet. Multilayout support - Columns in grid can be switched to new collection of columns - Layout. Layouts can be formed at design and runtime. The data output is processed (and translated) through procedure GetDataCell. The data input is processed through ValidateDataCell and can be recalculate another cells. Many events such as OnCopycell , OnPasteCell,OnCopyRecord,OnPasteRecord, OnPrintGrid, OnGetSummary,etc. provides processing many operations of dbGrid and Spreadsheet with FlyGrid. In-place Editors can be different styles: Simple,EllipsisButton, PickList, ChecklistBox Flat property provides Look & Feel. Very convenient Layout Editor and many many features...‰ ‰