Datum Whois PHP
Given the large and ever increasing number of websites
that are online today, the amount of domain names on
the internet can be rather confusing. The domain name
is an unique identity for a particular website and no
two websites can share the exact same domain name.
Whenever you wish to find out more information about a
particular website, be it for forensic investigations
or for other purposes, you will need to view
information that is attached to the domain you are
researching. This task could prove to be rather
daunting. Fortunately you will find a number of domain
look up services on the internet, which have been
designed to help users find information about domain
names easily. The domain look ups connect users to a
database of information relevant to different domain
names. One of the best of the providers of this kind
of service, and perhaps the most recognizable among
them all is the Whois domain look up service. Datum
developed a free domain look up service to assist you
with researching domain names. Quickly find domain