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  Internet and Network Tools - Mail Tools - Misc. Mail Tools

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  MX Detective  -  Version  1.0

MX Detective will locate mail server names for a given list of domains or email addresses. This Program is VERY EASY TO USE! INSTRUCTIONS 1) NAME SERVER INPUT BOX: This is where you enter the name of your DNS server. If you don't know what the name of your DNS server is, you may also just enter the domain name of your ISP and TICK the box "Find the name server". So to recap: A) Enter a DNS server. (Do NOT tick the box to the right.) or B) Enter your ISP'S domain name. (Tick the box to the right.) Now that you have a DNS SERVER configured, it's time to find the servers. You can look them up three ways: 1) Enter the domain names one at a time. Press Enter After Each Entry then click "Lookup Mail Server(s)" The mail server names will be in a file named output.txt in your MX-Detective folder. 2) Lookup mail servers using a list of domain names by selecting a text file of domain names. Simply select your file by clicking on the: "Type in names or select a domain list file" then click the "Lookup Mail Server(s)" button. The mail server names will be in a file named output.txt in your MX-Detective folder. Note: List must be formatted 1 domain per line! 3) Lookup mail servers using a list of email addresses: Click on the "Select an email address file" browse to your email address list. The program will automatically delete duplicate domain names when using this option. Then click the "Lookup Mail Server(s)" button. The mail server names will be in a file named output.txt in your MX-Detective folder

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