Exchange EDB to PST
PDS Microsoft Exchange EDB to PST Conversion software
is most famous in Exchange market. Desirable Exchange
EDB Recovery tool safely & simply repair Exchange
database and convert EDB file to PST file whether user
stored their EDB database in Pub1.EDB or Priv1.EDB
folders. Through getting this marvelous Microsoft EDB
to PST Recovery program successfully removes all
obstructions from damage EDB file and re-generate into
new working running .PST file. Microsoft Exchange
Recovery tool import EDB to PST and Exchange mailbox
export to PST including - Notes, Contacts, Calendars,
Tasks, Journals, Attachments, Inbox, Outbox, Sent
items, Draft, Deleted folders, User created folders
etc in appropriate manner.
Superb key features of Exchange EDB to PST Converter
* Repair Exchange database and fix EDB errors.
* Nicely recover corrupt EDB file into new healthy PST