WinSell Express
WinSell Express Version 3 is a complete POS and
Inventory Control system for Windows. The system
handles: Cash register functions, Receipt printing,
Invoicing, Customer orders, Customer tracking, AR,
Inventory control, Purchasing, Vendor orders, Vendor
tracking, and Reporting. WinSell Express stands alone,
or it can be integrated with Microsoft Office and
QuickBooks Accounting for exceptional control over
your business. What sets WinSell Express apart?
Incredible value. Tight integration with Access,
Excel, Word and QuickBooks. Designed for demanding
environments, where the combined speed and efficiency
of a keyboard driven system and convenience of a mouse
is essential. Supports bar code scanners, 40 column or
full-page receipts, cash drawers. Multi-user and
network ready. Incorporates latest 32-bit technology.
Has advanced features, such as international currency
symbols. Year 2000 compliant. Built-in reporting. New
in Version 3: Customer orders, foreign currency
exchange, improved editing, data management and
import/export. European version also available.