Symbol Character Map gives you the possibility to
choose between several preset maps from a drop-down
list. The content of the selected map with symbols is
revealed directly in the main window. If you happen to
think that the characters are displayed with a small
font, you may enable the larger display for more
accurate viewing options.
What's more, you can click on a symbol and preview it
in a dedicated panel using a large font. You may also
alter the previewing mode by changing the size of the
letters, modifying the font color, and enabling the
bold, italic, underline, or strikethrough mode.
Fast copying actions can be employed for transferring
the selected symbol to your documents. You can either
appeal to clipboard actions (copy/paste) or drag and
drop the target symbol to the preferred window. A list
with favorite symbols can be created on the fly.
Other important options enable you to show all fonts,