Halloween Sudoku
Halloween Sudoku is a free Halloween themed Sudoku
puzzle game for the windows PC. Play in Full Screen
or windowed mode. drag the numbers from the left or
click the cell for hints. Highlight a number by
hovering over the bar on the left. Never the same
puzzle twice.
If you're not familiar with Sudoku, there is a common
misconception that it is a math game. There is no
math in the playing of a Sudoku game at all. Sudoku
is a game where you have a 9x9 grid of numbers (or in
the case of Halloween Sudoku numbers and images).
This grid is divided up further into 9 3x3 boxes.
You're goal is to fill in all the empty spaces without
using the same number twice in any column, row, or
grid. To make things easier for beginners, in this
version of Sudoku when you click on a square, all the
numbers that already appear in that column, row, or