Do you know what's really happening on your web site? Sawmill shows you the truth about your server's traffic patterns and effectiveness How effective is your web site? Traffic volume, and customer satisfaction are the two best overall indicators. Knowing the performance of your advertising and the sources of your traffic is the key to getting high traffic volume. Once they get to your site, understanding their habits and preferences is the key to keeping them satisfied. How can you find out how effective your web site is? Web servers produce huge log files that contain millions of lines of visitor tracking information. Basically, every time a person comes to any web site and does anything, a line of data is added to the log file that records each and every action they made. "How does this help me?" you might ask. This giant log file is a veritable gold mine of valuable data about your customers! Buried deep in these complex log files is the information you need to know for your web site to be successful.