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  KinderPrints  -  Version  1.2a

This money-making software was designed as a small-business profit center, with you in mind. It is very easy to use and has been developed by Ken Kirkpatrick Software, the world's largest publisher of personalization programs. Its unique appeal is that the child's name is boldly printed in baby-blocks for eye-appeal. The output of the software is designed as a suitable-for-framing, gift giving certificate. The three different printouts should have year-round appeal. No special paper required! Works with any printer, but really outstanding with a color printer as the output is in full color with each baby-block a different color!   The program consists of three money-making sections.     1. "My Handprints"         Designed as a take home product from children as a gift to their loved ones.         Features a poem about their little handprints and a place to the left and         right of the verse for the children to actually imprint their own handprints.         A great school project for the whole class, a gift to Mom, or use your         imagination to make this great printout a cherished gift!         Available in English or Spanish, the only input required is the child's         first name and the presentation date. Can be previewed and printed in         both languages. The first name is printed in Baby-Blocks!         (First name is limited to twelve characters)     2. "UN-Official Birth Certificate"         What a gift for newborns to hang in the nursery! The child's name is spelled         out in baby-blocks and the vital birth statistics are printed beneath.         Simply obtain the child's full name, date of birth, weight, length, and place         of birth (all found on a birth announcement) and enter the info on the screen.         Choose preview or print in either English and Spanish. For convenience, an         order form covering all three sections is available for printout from the         main first screen. The customer order form is dual English/Spanish for         you and your customer's easy understanding. Just transfer the given         information. 3. "Iron-On Fabric Transfers"         Prints the child's first name in Baby-Blocks but in reverse, "mirror" image         for application on iron-on heat transfer paper available for ink-jets and         thermal-wax printers. Input the child's name, check the size and print onto         the special paper and iron-on to cotton tee-shirts or fabric.         The special paper required is available from Hewlett-Packard and Epson,         among others. Check with your local office-supply store.

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