Converting an NSF to PST
How to convert Lotus Notes NSF to PST with using manual
step? Get with famous and privilege tool for converting
an NSF to PST that help user direct migration of emails
of Lotus Notes into Outlook with extra benefits that
comes with new updated version of lotus notes, features
like calendar recurrence, html header and inline image
transfer etc into Outlook. To make the task easier tool
have very smoothing graphical user interface that help
both technical and non technical person to work with
superb tool very quickly and easily. People from
different need like sometime an organization want
software or sometime single user, so according to that
many license personal, business and enterprise are
divide according to user need. NSF to PST Microsoft
tool is the open source NSF to PST conversion that help
user to export email lotus notes to outlook at fee of
cost. Get full operation version at very affordable
price at $250. Get full technical support 24X7 for any
query. For more info - http://nsftopst.pagerankbar.com/