Productive OST to PST Converter
Email is an important factor for everyone, thus time
and again it is restored in our mailbox. But somehow,
this vital email is affected or corrupted that leads to
loss of emails. Organizations generally prefer MS
Outlook as their email client that generates OST
extension format files when connected to the Exchange
Server. There are uncertain circumstances that
influence OST email towards loss: virus attack,
synchronization error, accidental deletion of the
mailbox, data storage blockage, etc.
An OST to PST email conversion application is a must in
this situation, as it completely heals the deleted data
and effectively converts it to PST format of Outlook.
By converting inaccessible files to PST, the emails are
accessible and usable again. Quick Recovery's OST to
PST email converter tool is a proficient and
qualitative program that provides absolute results to
the user.
Download Quick Recovery OST to PST email converter
version from the product site, install the utility on
the system, and choose for the email conversion mode
that is previewed on the system screen. After following
these three steps, the program begins locating files
and starts converting them, finally all the converted
emails are restored in a user preferred location.
In addition, users can also avail Quick Recovery's demo
version of OST to PST email conversion software. The
demo only performs the conversion task and does not
restore. The demo provides a quick glimpse of how the
software will perform recovery and conversion of the
deleted, corrupted, formatted, inaccessible OST emails.
Once convinced with the demo version the complete
software can be installed by following the above
mentioned steps.