ForKeeps Message Archiver 32-bit
ForKeeps is a relational database archiving and information retrieval system for Internet mail, newsgroup and Compuserve mail and Forum messages. Import from a variety of message file formats into Forkeeps' relational databases. You can browse, classify and search your messages in one place, regardless of how and with which browser or mail program they were downloaded. ForKeeps has powerful features for information retrieval like indexing of every word in every message for very fast searches, message classification, presorted views, filtering, thread tree etc. Person files are automatically built from sender/receiver information and duplicate persons can be merged and aliased. Built in task manager for scheduled import and batch processing. Supported file formats: Agent, AOL,Autosig, Becky, CISComm, CS 3/4/2000, CSNav, DOSCIM, Eudora, GoldenCompass, Gravity, MS Internet Mail, MS Internet News, NavCIS, Netscape, OUI, Outlook, Outlook Express, OzCis, OzWin, Pegasus, TAPCIS,Virtual Access, WinCIM, Winvn and generic formats. 16-bit and 32-bit versions available.