Chris-PC RAM Booster
Chris-PC RAM Booster will manage your computer memory
and page file usage more wisely than before by
changing Windows default behavior. Therefore
applications and games will run smoother, benefiting
of the full power of your computer's RAM memory. The
software gives the option of setting the optimum low
memory threshold that if met, will activate the
process of freeing up memory. Runs quietly in
background as a service to free-up your PC memory.
Another helpful feature is the capability of disabling
the RAM freeing process when you have your laptop
running on battery and then being automatically
activated when it's plugged in.
Chris-PC RAM Booster will definitely improve things!
Your computer will get a boost, since RAM Booster will
monitor the RAM (Random Access Memory) usage and when
that gets to a certain low memory threshold, it will
trigger the process of freeing up memory for newly
opened programs while at the same time move the old
programs from the RAM memory to the virtual memory on