3D RInvoice
RInvoice reads data of your invoices from your
accounting software a creates unique 3D scenes.
Invoices are represented by 3D boxes of different
dimmensions and colors positioned on axes according
companies and time. You can fly through the virtual
world of your invoices, look for extremes and data
relation. You can perform a visual analysis of your
data. You can interact with the scene, create new
scenes from data subsets and organize them
Data visualization in 3D allows the user quickly view
and evaluate vast amount of data in one screen.
Quickly pick up extremes, understand the trends and
get a full picture of the facts hidden behind the
data. At the same time it allows to drill down to the
data subsets and to the details. The user can see the
company payables and receiveables from totally new
Program can read the data from dbf file or any ODBC
accessable database. RInvoice is an excelent tool for
financial, accounting and sales managers. Accounting
software developers and software integrators can
present RInvoice to clients as an add-value product to
their system. Interesting discounts are prepared for
registered partners.
English and some more language versions available.
RIvoice can be easily localized by the end users or sw