AB Picture Converter
It allows you to read and view image files in 63
formats and convert them to 27 formats. You can apply
over 15 effects, flip, mirror, tile, adjust colors,
contrast, brightness, add different types of borders,
adjust edges of the picture, add text to picture, etc.
It supports scanning and printing. A screen capture
engine is also included; you can capture all the
desktop, only one window (with or without title bar)
or you can capture from mouse cursor. It reads the
following formats: avs, bmp, bw, cdr, cdt, cel, clp,
cmx, cpt, cur, cut, dcx, dib, flc, fli, fpx, gif, ham,
icn, ico, iff, img, jff, jif, jmx, jpeg, jpg, lbm,
mac, mng, msp, mtv, mvg, ofx, pat, pbm, pc2, pcd, pct,
pcx, pic, pgm, png, pnm, ppm, psd, pyx, qfx, rad, ras,
rgb, rle, sam, scx, sep, sgi, sun, tga, tif, udi, wpg,
zbr. It writes the following formats: lbm, cel, avs,
scx, dib, cut, fpx, ico, jpg, mvg, bmp, mtv, mng, bmp,
gif, pic, pbm, pcd, psd, rad, rgb, ras, tif, tga, dcx,