Exchange EDB to PST Conversion
If you want to convert Exchange EDB file? Then try Enstella EDB to PST converter software gracefully convert EDB to PST as well as open Exchange EDB file within few minutes. Exchange EDB file recovery tool gives you best solution to recover Exchange EDB file into PST file with original messages-TXT, RTF or HTML formats. This proficient tool to extract emails from EDB file & move EDB to PST with whole mailbox folders-Inbox, Sent Items, Notes, Task, Contacts, Calendar & reminder etc. It quickly removes all types of EDB file errors & convert data from EDB file & transfer all EDB emails data without facing any problem. Enstella Exchange EDB file reader software efficiently read EDB file data. Exchange EDB to PST conversion program works on all Exchange versions up to 2010 & save EDB to PST within few moments.
Here are some features of Exchange EDB to PST conversion software-
* Smartly repair corrupt Exchange EDB file
* Easily recover Exchange EDB file into PST file with all previous data.
* Nicely convert EDB file to PST file along with emails metadata-To, bcc, cc, subject, date & time etc.
* Support all Exchange versions-5.0/5.5/2000/2003/2007/2010.
* Purely to install & uninstall on such supported O/S- Win2000, Win7 x32, & Win7 x 64, Win98, Win Server, Win Vista, Win Vista x64, & Win XP
* Get Exchange EDB to PST conversion software demo version at free of cost. After getting full versions of software at 299USD.