Exchange EDB to PST
Enstella Exchange EDB to PST Software is simple to use for Exchange database recovery and makes all the exchange user mailboxes data accessible or readable into new created outlook file. Software automatically search EDB file location in all provided local drive after finding EDB File it starts scanning process of scans data from un-mounted EDB file into healthy outlook file. Through EDB Recovery Tool users can recover EDB to PST File in accurate messages formats. Use this EDB to PST Recovery Software and get the permission of view whole recovery and conversion process of the software. It provides so many new extra features behalf of that you became capable to select emails or mailbox database of EDB File to Export them into PST File along with email properties- to, bcc, cc, time, subjects and from, email header information and email header information etc. Wonderful EDB to PST Converter Software let you Recover EDB File and Convert them into PST File in accurate messages formats.
Magnificent Key Features of Exchange EDB to PST Software
* It is best solution to repair damage EDB File for EDB File Recovery
* Software recover selective email or mailbox database to PST File
* Simple Conversion of EDB data into PST, EML, MSG and HTML
* Recover Emails according to dates (from-to date)
* After finding the location of EDB File, it scans complete EDB data into PST file
* Recover Exchange EDB to PST File
* With demo easily restore 25 EDB Emails into every selected formats at free of cost
* But when you need to restore complete EDB data into PST File, then you have to download full version of the software at USD 299