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  SunCalculator  -  Version  5.6

SunCalculator is easy-to-use and powerful math utility. Here are some of its features: Graph Mode • Draw Cartesian ( standard or parametric) and Polar functions, special functions (Fourier, Blancmange) or Integral (with Average preview) in MDI (Multi Documents Interface) supported Graph Mode (open up to 10 independent graph documents in the same window). • The list of supported functions (trigonometric, logarithm, exponential, hyperbolic) is extended with predefined functions. In the same window it is possible to draw unlimited number of functions, with different attributes (grid scaling, center moving, show/hide axes, graph, background and greed color, zooming factor, textual labels inserted etc.). • Draw tangent or normal in any point of actual graph, calculating equation of drawn tangent and normal • Perform complete function analyze (calculate roots, critical points- maximum and minimum, Y-intersection, two functions intersection) and edit/save function analyze log. • Calculate integral, 1st derivative and average value of any function in any range. Copy to clipboard integral/average preview and use it in your presentation. • Calculate table of values for specified function and publish it as HTML • Trace drawn function with simple right mouse click. • Save drawn graph as an image (.bmp, .wmf, .jpg) and insert it in built-in MathPad, fully functional text editor, or edit it in external programs (Corel, Word...). • Change graph's attributes (zooming factor of plotting area, axes view and assignment, grid view and grid scaling, graph-line width) and move center in any direction for any value. • Print drawn graphs or graph history. Scientific Calculator • Perform basic and advanced algebraic and trigonometric calculations with built-in scientific calculator. Complex Calculator • Complete managing of complex numbers (incl. sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, tanh, power, log, argument, magnitude etc.) Geometry Calculator • Calculate and preview geometric figures and objects (triangle, polygon, frustum, circle, arc, ring etc.). Draw polygons (up to 16 sides) and save it as an image. Geometry calculator comes with angle/area/distance units converter. Evaluator • Function (expression) evaluator for unlimited range of functions - evaluate drawn functions for any value of an argument in a moment. MathPad • MathPad - built-in text editor (paste images of drawn functions, add text with all kind of formatting and prepare function's presentation).

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