Multi Block Storage
Multi Block Storage is an office utility which allows
you to create, use, and manage fragments of frequently-
used text. This is very useful in word processing
documents, filling out forms, HTML formatting,
programming, and more. The application's toolbar,
which looks like the taskbar, can contain an unlimited
quantity of structured text fragments in the form of
buttons and hotkey combinations can be assigned to
each button. To paste text fragments to the desired
area you simply need to click the corresponding button
or press the assigned hotkeys. You also have access to
all tools of adjustment and management through the
context menu. Addition of a text fragment is also
quite convenient - all you need to do is select it and
press the hotkey combination or use the Drag'n'Drop
function with your mouse. Furthermore, the
application's bar can be automatically hidden to spare
working space (autohide feature).