Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Converter
Is your Exchange 2013 EDB file got corrupted? Do you need a solution to repair corrupted EDB file and convert all the emails of exchange 2013 EDB file into outlook file? So instantly download Enstella Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Converter Software that easily repair corrupted 2013 EDB file and convert Exchange 2013 EDB to PST File with email properties- to, bcc, cc, time, subjects and from, email header information and embedded images. Through Exchange EDB Converter Software helps to recover selective single and multiple emails from damaged EDB file and transfer all the emails of EDB file into healthy outlook file with email properties- to, bcc, cc, time, subjects and from, email header information and embedded images. Superb Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Software helps to recover EDB File and move them into outlook file with display the preview of all emails and mailbox conversion.
Magnificent Key Features of Exchange 2013 EDB to PST Converter Software
* Software automatically search EDB location and repair corrupted 2013 EDB file
* You can choose emails one by one and export all recovered EDB Emails to PST File
* It supports all exchange file versions from 5.0 and 2013 and MS outlook file versions upto 2016 (32 and 64 bit)
* Restore Exchange 2013 EDB file into PST, EML, MSG and HTML
* Export selective emails of EDB File into PST Outlook file
* With demo restore 25 EDB Emails into EML, MSG, HTML and PST but if you require to restore more emails then you have to download full version of the exchange 2013 EDB to PST converter Software at affordable price.