EDB to PST Conversion
Easily get EDB to PST Conversion Software to repair damage EDB file & recover data from EDB file to convert EDB file to PST Files in accurate messages formats. By taking help of EDB Conversion Software you can successfully extract every essential data from inaccessible EDB File & convert exchange EDB to PST File along with email properties- to, bcc, time, cc, date, date & subjects etc. Wonderful EDB to PST Conversion Software takes only few minutes to re-access on Exchange file & convert exchange EDB File to PST File in accurate messages formats. With the help of EDB to PST Converter Software you are capable to recover data from EDB file & Convert Exchange EDB to PST file along with zip attachments, embedded images, journals, task, contact, appointment, inbox items, outbox items etc.
There are some features of EDB to PST Conversion Software
* Easily repair damage EDB file and open EDB file
* Smoothly recover single selected EDB emails into every formats
* Extract EDB emails according to dates-(from date-to date)
* It works on EDB File version up to 2013
* Convert Exchange EDB to PST, EML, MSG or HTML
* Wonderfully split large PST file into small PST file upto 5GB
* Under demo easily restore 25 emails per folders from EDB file into any formats at free of cost. To restore more than 25 emails, download full version of the software at affordable price.