Advanced Email Locator
AEL is designed for processing e-mail address lists to
obtain detailed
information, including country of e-mail address
registration (and state
for addresses in USA), domain owner's name, address,
and some other data.
With AEL you can find out if an e-mail is hosted on
a "Free email"
server (server that provides free e-mail addresses,
e.g. HotMail).
To discover the country of e-mail registration, AEL is
using information
obtained from whois servers (servers that store
information about domain
names) and processed with special algorithms to
retrieve the requested data.
To check if an e-mail belongs to "Free email", AEL is
using special service
provided by our company site and a database containing
information about
over 20 000 "Free email" servers, updated on a regular
You can save processed e-mail address lists in the
text format, in
CSV format, in AEL project file, or you can easily
export them to MS Excel.
AEL works under Windows '95, Windows '98, WinMe,
Windows NT 4.0,
Windows 2000 b, Windows XP with Microsoft Internet
4.0 or newer.