TEA Crossword Helper
TEA is a crossword puzzle solver with over a million
words and phrases; these are classified by
familiarity, so you always see the most likely
answers first. It is faster and more convenient than
word lists in book form such as crossword completers,
crossword dictionaries and crossword keys. TEA finds
crossword answers; solves anagram clues; helps with
other word games such as Scrabble and Countdown.
Letter variables help solve cryptograms and find
words with unusual properties such as palindromes;
punctuation matching finds phrases and hyphenated
words; macros find vowels and consonants; logical
operations combine patterns in useful ways. TEA has a
built-in dictionary and thesaurus with over 180,000
definitions and 130,000 citations; it also integrates
with web browsers to look up words using Internet
search engines. Results can be printed, copied to the
clipboard and saved to file. Scrabble, Literature and
Language lists are provided; the Word List Merge and
Dictionary Builder tools help you incorporate your
own word lists. The TEA command line version can be
used in scripts.