Argentum Backup
A handy, small, easy backup program that lets you e
asily back up your documents and folders. Safely pr
otects you from accidental deletes, overwrites, and vir
uses. Backups are stored in Zip files and can be crea
ted both manually and automatically (on schedule). Inclu
des a number of templates to back up Windows regist
ry, Windows desktop, Outlook folders, e-mail message
s and address book, database of your favorite messenge
r: ICQ, MSN, Yahoo!, and AOL. Argentum Backup is design
ed to be suitable for both beginners and advanced u
sers. Advanced features include Zip64 multi-gigabyte ba
ckups, powerful file masks, various backup strategi
es, strong AES-256 encryption, and more! Argentum
Backup is ergonomical and easy to use, small and fast
, taking just a little of system resources. Argentum Ba
ckup has won many awards, including PC Magazine Edi
tors' Choice award and PC World Best Buy.
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