Business Process Manager
Business Process Manager (BPM) will help you optimize
your business plan in being a Project Manager,
Consultant, Sales Person, or Supporter. Fine-tune up
to 10 Tasks of your daily work over time.
Where is it possible to improve, and what's their
impact on your company's net profit calculation? - See
their combined effect on Total Cost, Net Profit and
Bank Account Balance. BPM allows for a complete Return-
on-Invest analysis. Quickly check any possibilities
and options. Let go of the past. Start today and think
only about what's possible to achieve within the next
4 years.
Included are an introductory Startup Product
Calcultor: a Bakery. You'll also find Small Business
Simulations with 3, 5 and 10 products. Finally, the
Business Process Manager Simulation includes a 10-Task
work time optimizer. All Simulation Models are
documented inline (ToolTips) and online.