Table Magic
The most powerful tool with intuitive graphical user
interface to Oracle and specifically targeted at the
development of database objects and manipulation of
datum for Oracle Databases. It uses only direct access
to database and so no special drives are needed.
Server Oracle version 7.2.2 or later is supported.
Multi sessions. Advanced SQL Editor with supporting
SQL Plus commands. Visual Query Builder with
supporting 8i features. 'Master-Detail' data analyzer
allows you to find interdependence between any
descendent data. Explain Plan analyzer makes tuning a
query faster. Allows creating any object by predefined
template. Powerful PL/SQL Editor with its syntax
highlighting and code auto corrector. Code Assistant
and Code Insight makes PL/SQL development faster and
easier. Testing SQL and PL/SQL using bind variables.
Extract DDL for a schema or a single object. Object
Navigator with multi-selection, filtering folders and
objects. Structure and data transfer between different
sessions. Dataset based on a table, view or query
allows you find data by QBE technology and change them
as well. Dataset allows fast multiple rows updating
like in Excel as well as cloning them. Find object
tool provides searching objects by status and data
across the all sessions. Schema compiler uses the
build in package. Repository provides holding
predefined datasets by user, PL/SQL and SQL as well as
any text documents. This program will be useful for
Oracle developers, empowers users and DBAs.