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  Information Management Tools - Inventory & Barcoding

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  Transport and Logistic Labeling Software  -  Version

Packaging & Labeling Application use in manufacturing and warehousing industries to create barcode in bulk. Generated barcode can scan or decrypt with the integrated barcode scanners. Industrial Barcode Labeling Application generates bulk barcode in less time by using batch processing including Excel and Text based files. Steps to create barcode labels for warehousing industries: Step1: Create barcode with new file: you can select a new file from Quick barcode mode or Barcode designing view mode. *For Quick Barcode mode: Take the new file from menu tab and choose the barcode font to creating barcode stickers according to need and also select barcode technology as linear and 2D barcode. *For Barcode View Designing Mode: You can create Custom barcode labels after selecting appropriate choices or options. Step2: Design barcode: Barcode software supports to set header and footer value of barcode, design barcode by set the color setting options, image setting, general settings etc. *Color settings: barcode design with different colors for barcode header and footer and also set the background color as transparent or colored by color setting option. *Image and general settings: Image setting sets the orientation of barcode as landscape or portrait by set the numerical angle value. General setting provides the margin properties to set the header- footer, top-bottom and left-right margin for the barcode. Step3: Create Bulk barcode: Create multiple copies of barcode using of batch processing series and import the excel file to add bulk content for the multiple barcodes. Step4: Export Barcode: Created barcode export into different file formats like image (PNG, JPG, bmp) or PDF. Steo5: Print barcode: Barcode software for warehousing industry allows take the print of generated barcode or user can take the print preview of that barcode. At the time of print user can also use the predefine label stock

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