Super Typist
Super Typist is the utility that speeds up your typing
process. Super Typist works under Microsoft Word 2000
and XP. While you are typing, Super Typist tries to
predict the ending of the word, and automatically
types it. While you are typing Super Typist
permanently compares typed fragment of the word to
elements from the user dictionaries and proposes the
most feasible endings for this word. If current word
coincides with utility's proposal, user can place
cursor in the end of word and continue typing. There
is the special work mode when the list of all suitable
words is shown in a special window called Super Typist
Adviser. In this case user can complete the word by
clicking it in the list. If there are no appropriate
proposals in the dictionary, Super Typist does not
perform any actions. If a proposal is not the same as
current word, user can continue typing and should not
pay attention to utility's proposals. Besides of
aforementioned functionality Super Typist can
automatically decode prespecified abbreviations and
acronyms by the same way as "AutoCorrect" tool
performs. For this purpose the second user dictionary
should be formed.
ST could be helpful for users who deal with preparing
texts on special thematic (scientists, students,
journalists and so on), and for persons who have
difficulties with typing.