Scopone Scientifico
The Scopone Scientifico requires 4 players.
The basic rules are the SCOPA ones, except for the
score set at 11 points. But the conditions are much
more complicated.
This program simulates the presence of 3 other players
over you. His peculiarity is the attribution of
different characteristics to each of them.
So it's possible to find, after some time and looking
statistics up, who is the ideal partner for you.
In the classic Scopone Scientifico there are 4
uncovered cards on the table at the beginning. No
cards on the table is a variation very appreciated by
many fans owing to greater uncertainty in the initial
stage of the game, that often produces attractive
developments in the course of the game.
For Scopa rules please refer to specific help.
You can choice among neapolitan and 'french' cards. In
such a case the diamonds suit plays the same role
as 'denari'.