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  Information Management Tools - Diary Keeping Tools

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  Diary Book  -  Version  1.8

Diary Book allows you to write a diary on your computer. There is a diary editor, events reminder, alarm clock, address book, picture manager, built-in mailer, HTML, eb diary and to-do list. Please note that this is password-protected software and your diary content will be encrypted, which means it's safe for you to write your diary, or keep your personal stuff. Also, the form shape is just how a book appears on your computer, plus it supports changing of the skin for the main program and also changing the background image for the large diary editor. You can also export to html format and even upload your diary to the developer's server for free. Additionally, the program features an agent character named Mr. Pencil. Starting from version 1.5 to version 1.7 many new features were added; making it a very enjoyable and popular free diary-keeping tool. 03 Jan 2005 added the To-Do List.

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