iSpellit is the one tool that integrates spell
checking functionality into your Internet Explorer
browser. With iSpellit integrated into your browser
you are only two clicks away from spell checking any
text field in any web page. You will no longer have to
copy and paste text from your browser into another
application, then spell check it, then copy and paste
the text back into your web browser. Simply click on
the text field you wish to spell check then click the
Spell Check button. iSpellit will alert you of any
misspelled word and give you a list of alternatives.
iSpellit has a standard, simple to use interface, that
makes spell checking text fields as easy as a click of
a button. iSpellit is a must have tool in your
internet arsenal, with a 100,000 word database, and an
easy to use interface, it makes spell checking on the
web a snap.