Password Construction Kit
Password Construction Kit makes it very easy to
construct from 1 to 10,000 constant or random length
passwords. Each password can be from 1 - 256
characters in length. Each character of the password
can be comprised of uppercase letters, lowercase
letters, numbers, special characters, hyphens and
Password Construction Kit allows you to easily tailor
the format of the passwords to your specifications by
using the Mask Editor and Specify Characters dialogs.
Each character of the password is compared against the
previous character to make sure no duplication is
occurring (unless setup by the user through the Mask
and Specify Characters dialogs). Each password
generated is checked against the others in the list to
make sure that they are unique.
Features of Password Construction Kit include:
1. Mask editor - allows you to exactly specify the
format of your password
2. Specify Character dialog - total control over
which characters will be selected when creating your
3. Specify the seed for the random generator
4. Save list of passwords as HTML or as a delimited
5. Copy individual or the entire list of passwords to
the clipboard