0.5 Beta
requestXpress is a software development management
tool that
helps you track and manage change requests and bugs
for your
software projects.
requestXpress consists of:
- a Microsoft(R) SQL Server database
- a Win 32 Client application, and
- an (optional) Web interface which allows access from
via an internet browser
requestXpress helps manage software development
projects by tracking software bugs/problems/requests
as they are reported. requestXpress works with
Microsoft award winning MS SQL database that supports
simultaneous access by multiple users. Features
classification, assignment, sorting, searching,
reporting, access control, user permissions and
attachments. requestXpress performs bug tracking over
the internet or an intranet with the same interface
for all users, access is controlled by the users
requestXpress enables customers to enter problems
reports with attachments into the requestXpress
database using a browser. A great way to implement
beta test bug reporting or customer support.