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  Web Development - Automated Web Publishing Tools

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  FlexWizard - Site management via e-mail  -  Version  1.2

What is FlexWindow? FlexWindow is a service which updates web sites in a quick and simple manner via e-mail. The service is designed to update fast changing content on your web site, like the latest news flashes, web logs, vacancies and price and product information. Just send an e-mail to our service and your web site content will be updated within minutes! How does it work? FlexWindows are parts of web pages that can be adapted and updated by authorized users via e-mail. A web site's web master integrates as many FlexWindows into his web site as needed. He then assigns the users who are allowed to change content. You only need to go through the assignment process once. Once the FlexWindows are in place, users can send text and images by e-mail to the FlexWindow server. The server ensures that the content is placed on your web site. Next, all that content editors need to in order to update their web site is send an e-mail! Features: - Immediate and simple adjustment of your web site. - No knowledge needed about HTML or FTP. - By-pass expensive designers when updating your web site. - Assign different users to different content. - Extremely simple integration into your web site. - No need for complex and expensive systems. - No need to download or install any software. - Signup and implementation can be done in minutes. - Updates can be made by anyone, solely using any e- mail client. - Support for MS Word e-mail, HTML e-mail and plain text e-mail. - Support for adding or replacing content. - Advanced features, including automatic FTP to your site. The FlexWizard assists you in setting up the system.

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