HSLAB Force Down
The software is intended for quick and fast execution
of Windows shutdown if there is a great number of
running applications. Allows to fulfil: - Accelerated
shutdown command; - Normal shutdown command; -
Accelerated shutdown command and restart; - Normal
restart and shutdown command; - Log off command; -
Accelerate shutdown automatically; - Start from the
command line; - Using "Hot Keys"; - Hook and execute a
Windows shutdown; - Eject removable media (if
inserted). Also, some external events can be
processed: - Shutdown at selected day and time; -
Shutdown when selected file exist or not exist; -
Shutdown when selected file larger or smaller from
given value; - Shutdown when selected application(s)
is running or not running; - Shutdown when selected
local user was logged or no longer logged in; -
Shutdown when selected removable media was inserted; -
shutdown when selected user or computer connects to
your computer from a network or the Internet. External
events usage gives you the broadest opportunities by
definition of the moment of a restart, shutdown or