Netvester 2002
The Internet is full of exciting pictures. In
particular the World Wide Web is filled with a huge
amount of pictures. What's worse is knewing web
addresses that contain countless pictures you have to
click on if you want them (apart from all annoying
popups, long loading time of websites).
Netvester 2002 takes over the downloading of all
pictures! You know web sites that are filled with
countless pictures or galleries? Try out Netvester.
Netvester offers extensive settings for achieving the
best results. Moreover Netvester offers features which
are non standard!
Netvester is the ultimate web robot, who's searching
and downloading for pictures from WWW after inserting
the source URL.
Following features are supported:
efficient operation;
Download tasks are programmable;
Netvester is able to stealth itself! Even below;
Win95/98 no entry in tasklist is seen (!);
locking of folders (Win95/Win98) (!);
Prevention of: cookies, trojans, viruses,
popup windows, cache files, bookmarks;
entries in system registry, spam ...;
proxy server support;
multilingual user interface;
authorization of web sites supported;
hook up of intelligence;