CacheRight for IIS
There's no need for users to request the same content
over and over when it can be cached. Unfortunately
cache control for many developers is limited to using
the META tag, a technique that often works poorly for
HTML files and does nothing at all for the most cache-
worthy items in a site -- images! CacheRight for IIS
puts the ability to set reliable caching policies for
all content in the hands of site developers.
Developers who want full control over how caching
happens no longer need access to IIS's administrative
interface; a simple configuration file in the Web
site's home directory lets them set up rules that
control expiration times (and other important cache
control information) by file location or type. With
CacheRight, unchanging images like navigation bars,
company logos and product shots can at last be cached
correctly -- improving the user's experience while
dramatically reducing both bandwidth consumption and
server load. CacheRight pays for itself and starts
saving you money almost immediately. So don't delay --
start caching right today! Download the free 30-day
- Dramatically reduces network chatter due to
excessive conditional GET requests and 304 responses
- Frees up server resources
- Reduces overall bandwidth consumption
- Enables developers to handle caching, offloading
this task for administrators -- No MMC access required
to set caching rules
- Powerful and easy-to-master rule statements for
setting reliable caching policies
- Promotes caching of binary objects such as images
- Improves responsiveness (perceived speed) of most
- Requires no MMC access
- Keeps all cache control rules for a site together in
a single text file
- Intuitive, easy-to-master rule statements
- Supports site-wide, directory or file-based caching
- Supports rules based on MIME type of requested
- Validation tool provided for checking syntax of rule
- Supports all relevant HTTP 1.0 and 1.1 cache control
headers including Expires and - Cache-control (max-
age, public/private and no-transform)
- Online diagnostic tool for checking page cachability
- Supports multiple virtual servers
- Implemented as super fast ISAPI filter for high
- MMC snap-in for administration and default settings
- Simple to install/uninstall