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  Utilities - Mouse and Keyboard Utilities

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  Spy-Keylogger  -  Version  1.2

Spy-Keylogger is a program that simplifies your life and helps you to avoid problems while working with computer. There are several possible situations when our program can be found useful. First of all it stands for preventing data loss on working with multiple programs. Imagine you were working at important document in some word processor and that because of some reason (abnormal program termination, loss of power supply, at last you simply forget to save the file) data loss occured. In this case Spy Key Logger can fully restore the information from log files to which it writes all the actions of the user, i.e. all keyboard strokes pushes. Secondly you can use our keystroke recorder if you simply want to know what has been done on your PC during the time you were absent. With this program it's easy to find out who's doing inappropriate things at worktime (e.g. this includes playing games by emploeyes, visiting adult sites by children, etc.).

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