eBookSnap Ebook Creator
Use eBookSnap to create your own ebooks so you can
publish in-demand, moneymaking electronic books at
virtually no cost and either give them away for FREE,
or sell them and pocket a Cool 100% profit! eBookSnap
creates professional ebooks in a few mouse clicks.
Create unlimited number of ebooks, add content
security function, so you have total control over
which pages of your ebook people may access. You can
password-protect one, ten or all of your pages (such
as with unregistered users). You can also add an
expiry date or disable your book after a given number
of days or views.Your book is compatible with Flash,
Quicktime, JavaScript, XML, PDF and any other media
and IE-compatible language currently used. Your book
can be a multimedia experience. With dynamic web
content, you are adding life to an otherwise plain,
static ebook. For example, you can add links,
discussion boards, real-time updated FAQ pages,
feedback forms and connectivity to your website to
send visitors back to it.